Date Stamp: 1989
Size: 4.1 to 7 inches
Added By: Shuptrine
Added On: 07-24-2011
Updated: 10-21-2012

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Stats from the card back:

Heroic Master

The Most Powerful Man in the Universe! An explosion of power permanently transformed Prince Adam into He-Man when evil lord Skeletor tricked space travelers from the future into transferring the power of the Universe from Castle Grayskull into a Starship Eternia.

Mission: To pilot his new starship/power center into the future to capture the evil lord Skeletor and his goon squad of Evil Mutants before they wreak havoc in the Tri-Solar System and destroy the Universe.

Battle Equipment: Helmet, body armor, powersword, energy shield.

The most powerful man in the Universe! Has traveled through thime and space to capture Skeletor and bring hinm to Justice.

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