Date Stamp: 1979
Size: 4.1 to 7 inches
Added By: Shuptrine
Added On: 02-28-2012
Updated: 02-28-2012

Did you know?
This is the coolest figure that was released in this series, Ringwraith with Charger one of the top figures of all time.


Here is the Bio from the “The Lord of the Rings” book published by Loring Publishing Corp., and designed by Dana Bryan.

RINGWRAITHS:  “Slaves of the Nine Rings, the Ringwraiths were the most feared and the most terrible of all the black servants of Sauron.  In the Black Speech of Mordor, the Nine Lords were called Nazgul.  Once mortal men, they were ensnared by the Dark Lord through the Nine Rings in the sixteenth century of the Second Age and were forced to remain in Middle-earth as undead creatures.  For over four thousand years, under the spell of Sauron and the Rings, they were filled with the evil essence of their Master and became wraiths, deathless spirits with no physical substance but with great power for terror and evil.  The nine Riders tormented Frodo and the Fellowship of the Ring first on black horses and then, mounted on evil flying beasts became more awesome.”

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