Date Stamp: 1986
Size: 4.1 to 7 inches
Added By: Shuptrine
Added On: 01-01-2012
Updated: 08-08-2019

Did you know?
This figure is Super Rare, but not as hard to get as the other 3 figures in this line. Space Sumo, Digitino, & Bolt-Man.

This is what is written in the "Rulers of the Sun" booklet Written by Michael Brown that came with one of the figures:

Holographo, Futuristic Scientist:  “”Give up you energy bandits and go in for Justice.  You have broken the laws of science,” Holographo, futuristic scientist and master of hologram images say to the two men in the laboratory.  “We refuse to quit, Holographo,” our planet is in need of more chemicals to drive our system and we won’t stop until we have all we need here.”  “Thief, you are aware that with my breast plate I can project and freeze any image that I can see.  I have mastered the science of projection.  Upon my birth in the zone of Azutus, I was thrust out into the open space and as I orbited around each meteor I gained the ability to capture light sources.  That is how I was able to live in outer space as a baby until the time of my youth, I disguised myself as a comet and a meteor and stars and moons.  Those images were frozen on the circles of my chest as I orbited in space.  It is why I was given my name Holographo.  I was named for a hologram which is a three dimensional picture.  This picture is made of a photographic film or paper without the use of a camera.  It consists of a pattern of waves or interference and is created by a split of a light beam.  It is the power to create these pictures that I have.  It is through this hologram that I now receive my powers. 

“My father, the Great Brown One above, gave me the ability to create life movements through imagery.  I am able to mix laser light beams and energy waves to create scenes and pictures.  So I ask you once again to give yourselves to us, before I totally confuse your vision of what is real with what is mere illusion.”   “We too have special powers, Holographo.  We have the ability to smear configurations with our gold pods.  With these pods which shoot from our finger-tips, we can destroy and capture pieces of you light source.  We can then store them and send them back to our planet.  Before you arrived we were almost finished.  We have a job to do.  We’re not giving up.”

Holographo steps out of the darkness so the energy bandits can see him.  “Look forward aliens.  For soon you shall see your future.  Your destiny with tomorrow is about to appear before you.”  Suddenly a video screen appears.  The villains see themselves upon the screen, before a judge.  The judge casts them to a pit, where they spiral downward to a hole that has no bottom.  This is your meeting with tomorrow, bandits, give up now.”  “  Good grief.  That looks just like us.  Now he’s moved that projector thing in front of our faces.”

“Look at your fate.  You can never destroy the side of good.  It exists for too many people.  Here in our laboratory all experiments are done for the continuation of mankind.  We are trying to maintain resources for all generations to come.  There will be no energy for the aliens who commit only wicked deeds.”  Suddenly the men rush from the lab.  Holographo throws an image of a giant one-eyed monster in their way.  One bandit reaches for a set of electrodes.  The electrodes change into growling wolves.  The men scream and crash into a giant reactor.

“When you wake up, my beam will transport you to justice.  Never steal what someone else has worked for, villains.  There will never be a way for your evil to triumph as long as my abilities allow me to stop and freeze deeds when they are meant to cause harm.  I am Holographo, futuristic scientist.””

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