He-Man Collector Statue
Date Stamp: 2002
Size: 12.1 to 24 inches
Added By: Shuptrine
Added On: 12-01-2011
Updated: 12-04-2011

Did you know?

This is what the description was on the eBay auction:

Designer's Vision:

"This He-Man figure was created by Steed Sun as a tribute to his friend and mentor Ed Watts.  "Ed is the first designer I worked with at Mattel and I learned so much from him, said Sun," who is currently working on Mattel's Batman and Justice Legue figures. " To me, He-Man represents the eternal struggle of good versus evil.  His weapons are a symbol of strength, power and integrity.  That is why I have put the special silvery-finish on them.  The weathering on his body is a symbol of his never-ending struggle and endurance in his fight against evil.  I think Ed has a great deal of these attributes as well and it is my hope that he too will win his battle and keep on fighting" Sun said."

The 13.5" figure was cast from a one-of-a-kind sculpture, co-designed by the world renowned Four Horsemen.

The custom pain design was created by mattel Senior Staff Designer, Steed Sun.

The base besign and figure casting was done by Mattel Master Modelmaker, Hank Miller.


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