Skeletor - Battle Blade
Date Stamp: 1992
Size: 4.1 to 7 inches
Added By: Shuptrine
Added On: 07-24-2011
Updated: 08-08-2019

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Stats from the card back:

Evil Mutant

The Evil master of the Universe!  Skeletor has been tranformed by lumina radiation absorbed in an atom-smashing explosion.  His eyes blaze with evil and his Battle armor glows with Power.

Mission:  1.  To slice He-Man down to size and lead him to a shameful end at the Galactic Guardian Games on the planet Primus.  2.  To seize all the power in the universe.

Battle Equipment:  Quadro-blade, deflector shield & luminactive Battle Armor.

Intesity of glow varies with the amount of light used.

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