AKA Brakk
Date Stamp: 1989
Size: 4.1 to 7 inches
Added By: Shuptrine
Added On: 07-24-2011
Updated: 10-21-2012

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Stats from the card back:

Evil Mutants

Evil Mutant Leader of the goon squad from the aien planet Denebria located in the Tri-Solar System. Flogg has a nasty temper and lashes out with his Energy Whip whenever he gets angry. He hates Skeletor but serves the evil lord as his grumbling second in command!

Mission: To lead his moronic mutant asistant, Slushhead, and the rest of the goon aliens when Skeletor commands them to attack He-Man and the Galactic Guardians from planet Primus.

Battle Equipment: Helmet, Shoulder Armor, Energy Whip.

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