AKA Tharkus
Date Stamp: 1991
Size: 8 inches
Added By: Shuptrine
Added On: 07-24-2011
Updated: 08-08-2019

Did you know?
This is my favorite figure of the entire line.

Stats from the card back:

Galactic Guardians

Galloping Battle Beast from the planet Palomar, Sagitar was saved from a life of slavery in the Denebrian mines by He-Man.  In return for his freedom, he carries He-Man into battle on his back and uses his palomite running knuckles for galloping on serving up super knuckle sandwiches for Mutants.  Although some of the Galactic Guardians don't like his beastly manners they are glad to have his foru-armed giant on their side in battle.

Mission:  To use all four of his might arms, his shield, and his sword to help He-Man free Primus from the evil clutches of Skeletor.

Battle Equipment:  lazer Sword & Energy Shield

Action Feature:  Bend torso for galloping or Battle poses.  Also can carry another Galactic Guardian into battle on his back.

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