Date Stamp: 1990
Size: 4.1 to 7 inches
Added By: Shuptrine
Added On: 07-24-2011
Updated: 08-08-2019

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Stats from the card back:

Galactic Guardian

Martial Arts Warrior from Mida on planet Primus.  Has the ability to deliver a stunning side kick as he moves swiftly and silently to aid He-Man in his fight against evil.

Mission:  To use his nonviolent, martial arts abilities to slip behind enemy lines and surprise Skeletor into dropping Denebria's force field in time for He-Man to land Star Ship Eternia.  And to assist Vizar in gathering secret information so that He-Man and his Galactic Guardians can rid the Tri-Solar System of the Evil Mutants.

Battle Equipment:  Helmet, armor, laser bow weapon

Action Feature:  Bend his body to the right -- Left leg kicks out to the side.  Bend his body to the left -- Right leg kicks out to the side.

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